Happy For You Artwork.png

Happy For You

Happy For You is one of the pettiest songs I’ve written, as I included unfiltered details about my ex, and didn’t hold back any punches. 

“Happy For You” is all about the bitterness I felt when I found out my ex was in a new relationship and seemed to be committing in a way he never did with me. It explores that villainous sweet spot of being petty without being mean, telling the story of my ex moving on and acting the way I always wanted him to act when we were together. The song is about thinking you're over someone, only to have one piece of news drag you back to square one of moving on, with all those ugly, uncomfortable feelings.

About the song


I saw a letter with a heart in your bio
And now it’s half a year since we last spoke
So why did it land like a knockout blow?
Oh I try but I spiral

Do you know her favorite songs, make nicer jokes? 
Do you dance around the kitchen and kiss her slow? 
I heard you’re loving her the way you couldn’t love me 
I heard you’re choosing her over everybody

And now I try to be happy for you
I heard you found somebody, somebody new
And I know it’s the right thing to do
But you give her all the love, the love I gave to you

And it’s killing me, killing me
To be happy for you, I’m not happy for you
I try to be, try to be 
So happy for you, I’m not happy for you

Guess I’m falling down the rabbit hole
Undoing all my moving on
Overthinking things I can’t control 
Cause I could give the world and it’d be not enough 

Do you take her on the scenic route when you drive?
Do you actually make an effort to treat her right? 
I heard you’re loving her the way you couldn’t love me 
I heard you’re choosing her over everybody

And now I try to be happy for you
I heard you found somebody, somebody new
And I know it’s the right thing to do
But you give her all the love, the love I gave to you

And it’s killing me, killing me
To be happy for you, I’m not happy for you
I try to be, try to be 
So happy for you, I’m not happy for you

I think of you fondly to ease my bitter
But swallowing my pride has only made me sicker
I played it complicit while I was your crime
Did you learn without the time?

I try to be happy for you
I heard you found somebody, somebody new
And I know it’s the right thing to do
But you give her all the love, the love I gave to you

And it’s killing me, killing me
To be happy for you, I’m not happy for you
I try to be, try to be 
So happy for you, I’m not happy for you




My Ghost